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What does it even mean when a travel agency claims that they work purposefully with responsibility and sustainability? Isn’t there a contradiction between sending people to the other side of the world – by plane – and at the same time saying that you’re working on sustainable solutions?

Yes, is the short answer.
No, it doesn’t have to be like that, is the correct answer.

At TourCompass, we work purposefully with an ambitious, long-term Sustainability Strategy, we try to be responsible in the way we do business.

The climate and environmental challenges we face are enormous. We’re well aware of the fact that we have a share of the responsibility. We have therefore adopted the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. 

We also work specifically with several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals because we believe we have a unique opportunity to contribute to positive development in many of the countries we travel to – both socially and environmentally.

On the climate front, we prepare a climate report every year, and we have a very concrete and highly ambitious plan for how we help to reduce carbon emissions. 

On the environmental side, we primarily work with biodiversity – including specifically animal welfare and vulnerable natural areas.

But it’s on the social front that we can really make a difference.

Many of our tours go to places in the world where people don’t have the same standard of living as us. But with our tours, we help to create jobs, economic growth, increased educational opportunities and better living conditions.

We take our role here very seriously. We select partners who themselves work actively to make a difference in the local communities, and we support a wide range of projects that contribute to creating a positive footprint in the world.

That’s precisely what travel can do: Create positive footprints – both with those who experience and with those who create experiences. 

Below, you can see a number of the projects we’re already involved with.

Read our latest Sustainability Report here.

We are committed
Projects we support


UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact

TourCompass is a member of UN Global Compact. This is a global network of businesses and organisations that are obligated to work with ten principles in human rights, employee rights, climate & the environment, and anti-corruption, in addition to contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. As a member of UN Global Compact, we are obligated to make annual reports on our efforts involving the ten principles and to describe how we as a business have contributed to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals over the course of the year.

Science Based Targets

Science Based Targets

At TourCompass, we have a climate target that is ambitious, to put it simply. We’ve signed onto the Paris Agreement, and we are making targeted efforts to reduce our CO2 emissions, both direct and indirect. We’re therefore very proud to be certified under Science Based Targets.